Today is a very special day, it's Earth day and it also happens to be my birthday!
One of my biggest inspirations it's the ocean. Today our oceans are in great danger for all the increasing pollution and climate crisis. We are all part of the problem but we can be part of the solution. Because of our way of life it can seem complicated but small actions can make an actual difference. I decided from a couple of years now to have an all plant based diet and it has been one of the best decisions that I have made in my life. It was an informed and conscious decision, I love animals and I think its a responsability to take care of our planet, to leave a better place for our kids. I encourage you to educate yourself more on the subject, to really know the consequences of our actions, habits and decisions. I think we can’t change immediately everything, but we can contribute with small actions doing the best we can.
Today I celebrate life and I celebrate the earth with love and gratitude of being able to enjoy its richness and to use it as an inspiration for my art. I love to give something back and I’m so happy to do it with project that I am very passionate about by working with the amazing organizations 1% for the planet and Wild Coast they share a commitment to help taking care of our oceans. You can read more about it on Why I care and make donations to this link:
Thanks for being part of this beautiful community.
Happy Earth’s day! And a Happy birthday to me!